Our mission is to eliminate the disconnect patients, and their referring medical provider, experience when they need care delivered outside the physician's office.
what can you expect
FOR YOU - Increase referrals that actually receive your services
We place your capacity at your customers' fingertips when and where they need it by extending your current systems securely into the marketplace employing all communication channels. You then compete with state of the art service to complement your excellent clinical offerings.
We place your capacity at your customers' fingertips when and where they need it by extending your current systems securely into the marketplace employing all communication channels. You then compete with state of the art service to complement your excellent clinical offerings.
FOR YOUR PATIENTS - Easy access to your services at their convenience
We reach out to the patient with self scheduling options which guides them, using AI, accurately and at their own pace through the clinical and financial processes. They have an open link to access preparation, travel directions and contact information right up to appointment time. They can send you secure communications, access your staff when available or access our 24/7 contact center whenever they want to talk.
We reach out to the patient with self scheduling options which guides them, using AI, accurately and at their own pace through the clinical and financial processes. They have an open link to access preparation, travel directions and contact information right up to appointment time. They can send you secure communications, access your staff when available or access our 24/7 contact center whenever they want to talk.
FOR YOUR REFERRAL SOURCES - Help service their customers to complete treatment plans
We provide referring providers access to your schedules to either book or view availability so they can service their patients and reduce their workload by simplifying their return appointment scheduling process. We then keep them updated on their patients' progress via an exception only automated alert system. Since you can open capacity 'on the fly', your referral sources see your openings as soon as they happen. This gives you the advantage influencing the referral marketplace.
We provide referring providers access to your schedules to either book or view availability so they can service their patients and reduce their workload by simplifying their return appointment scheduling process. We then keep them updated on their patients' progress via an exception only automated alert system. Since you can open capacity 'on the fly', your referral sources see your openings as soon as they happen. This gives you the advantage influencing the referral marketplace.
FOR YOUR MANAGEMENT TEAM - Connect them with their marketplace
As scheduling became centralized inside finance, provider departments became more removed from their customers (referring sources & patients) at the critical point of selection of their service. Managing capacity to satisfy demand trends in no longer a blind spot; it is a daily key activity that enables the manager to meet customer satisfaction and budgets. The upper management levels have access to daily performance levels across the organization, any issues impacting referral access and automated threshold alerts that require their intervention / inquiry. Instead of waiting for weekly/monthly performance figures, management directly influences those numbers before the measurement period completes.
As scheduling became centralized inside finance, provider departments became more removed from their customers (referring sources & patients) at the critical point of selection of their service. Managing capacity to satisfy demand trends in no longer a blind spot; it is a daily key activity that enables the manager to meet customer satisfaction and budgets. The upper management levels have access to daily performance levels across the organization, any issues impacting referral access and automated threshold alerts that require their intervention / inquiry. Instead of waiting for weekly/monthly performance figures, management directly influences those numbers before the measurement period completes.
who do we service
1. Hospitals.
2. Diagnostic / Therapeutic service facilities.
3. Home Care services.
4. Anyone who requires a medical provider's order (or referral) to conduct their service.
2. Diagnostic / Therapeutic service facilities.
3. Home Care services.
4. Anyone who requires a medical provider's order (or referral) to conduct their service.
Principles employed
1. Your capacity needs to be accessible where and when the decision to use it is made.
2. The order is pivotal for capturing business and servicing the patient.
3. You should reach out to the patient vs. them having to find you.
4. Scheduling your service(s) can be automated and accessible via any communication channel.
5. Whoever excels in meeting the customer(s) needs will dominate the marketplace.
6. Delivering the best service can be cost effective.
2. The order is pivotal for capturing business and servicing the patient.
3. You should reach out to the patient vs. them having to find you.
4. Scheduling your service(s) can be automated and accessible via any communication channel.
5. Whoever excels in meeting the customer(s) needs will dominate the marketplace.
6. Delivering the best service can be cost effective.
what differentiates us
Deep operations experience with technological savvy
We have the knowledge to structure the process users transverse to obtain clinical services.
We have taken the time to develop the proprietary algorithm processes which accommodate the wide range in (services) complexity - a Clinical Screening Engine. We understand that this is not a standard template that can be mass produced and applied everywhere in a universal software program
We have designed a system in which individualization can be applied and user satisfaction achieved in a cost effective manner. |
what we do
We extend your current systems capabilities by complementing them with technology you may not have in place.
We place your (service) capacity in the referring sources operation.
They choose whether to book or just view open capacity enabling them to set return appointments with a high confidence level. If the patient selects an appointment that jeopardizes the return appointment, the referral source is immediately alerted and can decide to modify the return schedule if necessary. This also reduces patient anxiety as most want to schedule their return appointment when a serious clinical service has been ordered especially a diagnostic service. It also reduces work conducting extra calls coordinating follow up. If an authorization is required, the referrer can enter it directly and the patient will be automatically contacted to proceed scheduling or confirm the appointment is covered. It allows you to make capacity instantly available to the market based on demand patterns. Messaging between ordering and service providers can be conducted eliminating interrupting phone calls. |
We give the patient 24/7 on-demand omnichannel access to your services founded on the order (& insurance) details.
Upon order reception, the patient is automatically contacted to schedule via:
If the patient has the order, he/she can:
The scheduling process addresses the patient's needs:
Self scheduling guided by AI
You and your referral source keep up to date on the service status.
Automated Alerts 'monitor' the progress of the order from reception to completion. If a return appointment is in the system, a lag factor is used to project the success of meeting the return appointment. Since you and your referrer are sharing this progress, both have alerts but the formats do differ for each. For example, if waiting for an authorization the referring source has one format and the performing service provider another. Management levels at the service provider and referral organizations, has organized views across multiple service lines for which they are responsible. Liaisons to the referring source has a tailored perspective that can be employed pre and during contact with those sources. Service Managers can open capacity 'on the fly' and the entire marketplace is made aware and has instant access. |
Database - programmed